Unlimited commercial brokerage fees

These fees can quickly add up to nearly 1/3 of your annual rent, and sometimes even more! This is because the law allows these agencies to set these fees at any amount they wish. Commercial and professional leases are not covered by the law of July 6, 1989, which limits the fees payable by tenants. In the case of private individuals, this ceiling depends on whether the property is located in a tense, very tense or non-tense zone. This is not the case for professionals. No legal text sets a limit. Agencies are free to set their own fees, and they do so to their heart's content. All they have to do is respect the fee schedule displayed in the agency. The absence of a law on the matter means that these fees are bound to rise, and this is bound to displease customers. Fortunately, there are solutions.

With high rents in Paris, commissions are rising rapidly in proportion to these rents. With no cap on office property, very high figures are quickly reached.

Alternatives to traditional agencies

Simple problem, simple answer. But bypassing an agency can be complicated when you want to do it all yourself.

Going it alone: a complicated solution

To avoid agency fees, one solution is to do the research yourself. This solution is very time consuming. And you'll quickly realize that you're not a real estate agent. But that's the price you have to pay if you don't want any help and are determined to avoid brokerage fees. You'll also have to be patient when it comes to drawing up contracts. It's an adventure that can be attempted if you have some knowledge of real estate and, above all, if you're not afraid of a challenge.

It's an environment far removed from the traditional real estate advertising system, which will save you money on the one hand, but require total commitment and a lot of time on the other.

For the less adventurous, solutions are flourishing on the Internet. Among them, online platforms such as Flexas are on the rise, offering services completely free of charge. A surprising and questionable service. In the face of the health crisis, professionals are questioning their fixed costs and are looking for ways to reduce them and gain flexibility. The emergence of these platforms comes at just the right time.

Online platforms: the future of professional rental?

Every day, these platforms attract hundreds of Internet users curious to discover the services offered. It's possible to avoid paying agency fees while benefiting from the expertise of real estate agents. To find office space to rent, dozens of experts sift through listings, contact landlords and list the best in professional real estate so that tenants can find what they're looking for.

An approach that breaks the codes of traditional office rental. They are 100% free, which satisfies dozens of customers every day. Their prices are market prices, no more, no less, with relevant offers and sometimes even slightly below market prices. Their experts have the right offers at their fingertips and quickly seize opportunities to satisfy customers. Their in-depth knowledge of Paris' emerging neighborhoods and historic districts guarantees a successful search.

The principle of such a platform is simple and effective. All the prospective tenant has to do is contact the team of real estate agents. This is an opportunity for the prospective tenant to share his project and describe his selection criteria, so that an enthusiastic and motivated team can respond in the best possible way. It's important to have a well-defined project with well-thought-out criteria. A clear and unambiguous request will enable our real estate professionals to identify your needs and respond in the best possible way.

This exchange will lead the 100% online agency to propose a selection of offices matching your criteria. It's up to you to analyze these offers and see if they suit you. You can then make an appointment with the owner or the person who placed the offer online. The online platform does not intervene at the time of the visits. Its role is to bring owners and tenants together.

Alternatively, you can browse offers directly on the site. The comparison tool is a technological marvel that allows you to compare the criteria of several offices at once. For example, if you're looking for a commission-free office in Paris, you can simply go to one of the many online platforms and enter your geographical criteria. Combine that with the square footage you're looking for, and you've made your first selection.

The platform then acts as an intermediary, putting you in touch with the owner. Its primary function is to bring supply and demand together on one site, but its services often go beyond that, guiding entrepreneurs throughout their search. That's why there are no brokerage fees, no commissions, no fees. There are no hidden costs, and that's the point. You don't have to go through an agency that charges high fees, so you save precious dollars that you can spend more strategically. It's a way to focus your resources on your core business.